When are applications available?
Applications will become available in May each year for the following school year.  We collect applications for two weeks and then notify families of their status by mid June.  We typically have more families apply then we have space for.  If this occurs we will create a waitlist for families we are unable to accept.
When are payments due? 
6 to 6 services will be billed on the 1st of each month starting on September 1st through May 1st.  After your payment plan is determined, we can setup a recurring payment will be set up that will charge your credit card on the 1st of each month. An emailed receipt will be sent to confirm the payment. Payments are late if received after the 15th of the month.  A late fee will be applied.
To whom do I direct my questions or concerns? 
If you have questions or concerns about the 6to6 program, please call the main office at 619.600.5321 during office hours 7:30AM-3:30PM.  You can also send a ParentSquare message to Lisa Davis.
Direct 6to6 Number
If you need to contact the 6to6 program staff between 6AM-7:30AM or 3:30PM-6PM please call
619-600-5321 Ext 118